
Single Point Analysis

The system of ODEs, $F(\tilde{x}(t))$ are solved algebraically to find the fixed-point solutions, $\tilde{x}^{g,\ast}$, where $g$ represents the number of fixed-points found. $\tilde{x}$ is the vector of variables ($X$ and $S$) associated with the motifs. Two methods are available for analysis of the stability of the fixed-points; Linear Stability Analysis and the Routh-Hurwitz criterion. In the former, $\epsilon$ defines the tolerance threshold for stability.

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Multiple Point Analysis

This is an extension of the Single Point Analysis, extended for multiple points ($s_i$) within the range ($a_i$,$b_i$) for a pair of parameters ($\theta_{i}$), where $i = (1,2)$. In biological terms, the chosen parameters may represent operational properties of the system (e.g., dilution rate $D$, substrate input concentration $S_{in}$) or of the organisms themselves (e.g., growth rates, substrate yields), and thus can be used to test the effect of these parameters on the behaviour of the system itself.

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Basin of Attraction

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Phase Portrait

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